Training and further training
in Bioenergetic Analysis

3. Trainer

Our faculty consists of experienced therapists of long standing, who belong to both the NIBA faculty (local Trainer) and/or the faculty of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA, international trainers). 

The coordinating trainers possess in addition years of experience with bioenergetic based training programs for non-psychotherapeutic professionals, which are integrated into our module system.

The current leaders and coordinators of the training:

 Heiner Steckel

Heiner Steckel (b. 1953)

Master's degree in Science of Education ( Dipl.Päd.), Healing Practitioner for Psychotherapy, Bioenergetic Analyst, Supervisor and Trainer
ECP (European Certificate of Psychotherapy, EAP)

Studied science of education, diagnostics and counselling at Bielefeld University
Several years of workexperience for a Drug Counselling and Therapycenter with both outpatient and inpatient therapy
Freelance staff of "Jugendhof Vlotho" (Postgraduate Educational Center of the state-association of Westphalia) since 1975
In private practice as a body psychotherapist since 1982Teaching for the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA) since 1990

Since 2007 also teaching as a TraumaReleasingExercises® Certification Trainer in various countries and collaborating with Dr. David Bercelli (Founder of TRE®) in the international 'training committee' (TrainerSupportTeam) of TRE®FA

Therapeutic training and further training

  • In the course of university studies further training in team and organizational analysis in supervision and practice coaching for educational and therapeutic institutions
  • Training as a Tai Chi teacher
  • Training as a Bioenergetic Analyst, NIBA (CBT/IIBA)
  • Various further extensive experiences above all in methods of humanistic psychology such as Gestalt, Encounter, and body therapies and related schools such as Shiatsu (Watari Ohashi), breathing therapy (Prof. Ilse Middendorf) and “Body learning” (Katja Delakova / Prof. Moshe Budmor).

Personal development and focus of my work

Personal and professional experiences in my various studies and trainings have greatly enriched my work and helped me to find my own style. 

This is true both of my work as a therapist in my private practice and as a teacher for the “International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis” (founder Alexander Lowen), for which I run (ran) training groups in Germany, Scandinavia, France, Spain, Poland, Russia, Argentina , Colombia and Brazil.

Apart from my involvement in body psychotherapy training, I am interested in understanding and working with various educative-therapeutic and preventive projects on a bioenergetic basis. 

In my “methodical home”, Bioenergetic Analysis, I feel especially attached to Alexander Lowen, who was my personal teacher for many years and whom I accompanied from 1994 onwards to several international psychotherapy conferences as his assistant

Understanding the connection of body and soul in theory and practice as the basis for therapeutic intervention is for me of vital importance.

Personal environment

I live with my wife and a number of animals in the countryside, where I also have my psychotherapy practice and offer workshops for small groups and accommodation for therapy guests..

My experiences with animals (dog, cats, and horses) enrich my work as a therapist.

 Susanne Winkler

Susanne Winkler (b. 1949)

Master’s degree in psychology, graduated at the Christian Albrechts University in Kiel
Psychotherapist („Pychologische Psychotherapeutin“)Bioenergetic Analyst CBT/IIBA, Local Trainer NIBA, trainings also in Poland and Scandinavia

I worked in a large rural counselling center until 1994.
Own practice since 1990 in Kiel, licensed by the German health insurance scheme with the psychodynamic approach, accredited supervisor (Chamber of Psychotherapy, Schleswig-Holstein).

Therapeutic training and further training

  • During my studies I did basic training in client-centered therapy and behavioral therapy as well as client-centered therapy for children
  • Training as a Bioenergetic Analyst CBT/IIBA
  • Numerous further trainings in various psychotherapy methods such as systemic family therapy and Gestalt therapy
  • Confrontation with the concept of psychoanalysis during many years of analytical supervision
  • Training in trauma psychotherapy including EMDR

Personal background and focus of my work

In my therapeutic work I’m interested in integrating various therapy approaches. In the therapy of psychic disorders as well as understanding the somatic-emotional interconnection I’m interested in deepening the understanding of conflict, which I like to do with the help of images and imaginations. The body is always the thread running through the treatment process.

In the last few years I was increasingly confronted with patients, who were severely traumatized. I began to study recent neurobiology and brain research, which I think can enrich bioenergetic work in a well-founded and valuable way.

Also in the trainer team:

Thomas Heinrich

Thomas Heinrich (Jahrg. 1964)

Diplom Psychologe, Heilpraktiker (health practitioneer)
Certified Bioenergetic Therapist (CBT), Supervisor und Member of the IIBA Faculty
Certified advanced Rolfer®, RolfTM Movement Practitioner

Professional qualifications

1993 – 2002 Research and Teaching at University Koblenz-Landau, Specialization: Qualitative and Quantitative Methodology

1990 - 2015 Workshops in body self experience at the adult education center Waldschlösschen Reinhausen near Göttingen,

since 1997 working as a body oriented psychotherapist in own practice at Mannheim, since 2001 as a Bioenergetic Therapist (CBT) and since 2003 as a Certified Rolfer®

since 1999 founder and for 17 years member of the CO of PLUS e.V, a psychological gay- and lesbian counseling center at Mannheim; still working there as counselor, supervisor and trainer.

since 2007 trainings in BioenergeticAnalysis for SGfBA, Southern German Association for Bioenergetic Analysis, since 2015 international trainer for Bioenergetic Analysis (IIBA Faculty).


Some papers about „Counseling and therapy of lsbtiq* clients“ and about yawning.

Dr. rer. nat. Vita Heinrich-Clauer


Professional qualifications

1981-88 Research and teaching at Osnabrück University, Specialisation: psychological diagnostics, developmental psychology.

Since 1989 own practice as a body oriented depth psychology psychotherapist in Osnabrück/Germany.

CBT since 1991; Teaching as international trainer (IIBA faculty) in Germany, Russia, Poland, Scandinavia and Switzerland.

Supervisor, author, editor, lecturer at various teaching facilities.

Licensed therapeut for depth psychological work with patients and horses.


Author of articles in various journals on the subjects of: “The therapist as a resonating body”, “Self care for psychotherapists”, “Body resonance and voice”, “Body oriented therapy with traumatized patients”, “Bioenergetic work with couples”, among others (see also

Editor of:

  • Forum Bioenergetische Analyse 2005-2011
  • Handbook - Bioenergetic Analysis, Gießen, Psychosozial Verlag 2008. Also available in German, Italian, Portuguese and French