Training and further training
in Bioenergetic Analysis

2. Contents

The Annual Modules

Duration: one year respectively, 20 days of training divided into 5-6 workshops
of 3-5 days (which always include a weekend) see dates.

Annual Modules I and II
corresponds to the pre-clinical curriculum of the IIBA to CBT

Module I (1st year) The Fundamentals of Bioenergetics

  • Neuro-anatomical understanding of tension regulation (including trauma) and of involuntary movements in therapy and when designing exercises
  • Anatomy and physiology of emotions and the fundamental anatomical-physiological understanding and designing of potential body psychotherapeutic and educative experiences (e.g. exercises)
  • Energy, breathing and grounding as basic elements of bioenergetic understanding and work, and the designing of appropriate mobilizing and regulating techniques/exercises
  • Flow of energy, blocking of energy and appropriate interventional possibilities, with special consideration of the effects of bioenergetic exercises, breathing and vocal expression
  • Raising awareness of: body expression and resonance, body contact and body intervention. Chronic tensions, acute constrictions and flowing energy. Group-energetic processes.

Module II (2nd year)

  • Systematic treatment of developmental experiences and their expression in physical-emotional structures(bioenergetic character structures), basic human fears and the corresponding defense structures on the somatic and on the psychic levels
  • Basics of development psychology and psychodynamics
  • Deeper understanding of anatomy and physiology in relation to body psychotherapy
  • Bodyreading/diagnostics
    Raising awareness for the bodily expression of emotions and developing an understanding of the way life experiences can express themselves in movement and posture
  • Developing and implementing bioenergetic exercise groups (see also Module III)

Annual Modules III and IV 
corresponds to the clinical curriculum of the IIBA Training to CBT

Module III (3rd year)

  • Body psychotherapy – therapy process 
  • Transference – countertransference 
  • The therapeutic relationship
  • Body psychotherapy interventions
    Use of bioenergetic exercises in the context of therapy
    Body contact in the context of therapy
    Specific body psychotherapy treatment techniques
  • Body psychotherapy/bioenergetic understanding and treatment of various conditions
  • Self-care of the therapist in the body psychotherapy profession

Module IV (4th year)

As it is the last year of the psychotherapy oriented clinical curriculum, in Module IV the focus is on supervision and the further development of other themes on that basis. 

  • Supervision of your work in front of the group 
  • Supervision of clinical material – videos and reports from the therapeutic practice of the participants
  • In depth work on central themes of the body psychotherapy process: contact and trust, development, difficulties in the process and the significance of therapeutic crises (dealing with “dead ends”), the process of detaching and the end of therapy

After 4 years if you have fulfilled all the training criteria you can complete the training with a certificate of the International Institutes IIBA and NIBA.

After 2 years you can be certified as having an additional qualification in bioenergetics to your basic profession or as a leader of bioenergetic exercise classes.

In the training you will learn personal and professional skills, but it does not give you the legal right to work in a healing profession. In your bioenergetic work, you must abide by the rules and laws of your country.